Mireille Korab Abi Nasr
FFA Real Estate – Member of FFA Private Bank Group
"Beirut Institute is here to assist in enabling the Arab World."

Leading the Business Development Department, Mrs. Abi Nasr continuously works on developing FFA Real Estate’s corporate image, branding and positioning to set FFA Real Estate as a leading reference in the real estate Industry. Moreover with her 12 years of experience in the real estate industry both locally and on a regional level Mrs. Abi Nasr is continuously setting marketing and sales processes and strategies for projects handled by FFA Real Estate. In line with the mission of FFA Real Estate, Mireille is responsible of sourcing high yield Real Estate investment opportunities both locally and internationally to satisfy clients’ needs and insure the expansion of the FFA Real Estate know-how and services.
Mrs. Abi Nasr holds a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from the American University of Beirut, and sits on the Board of
Directors of REAL (The Syndicate of Real Estate Consultants & Brokers) and the Board of Directors of REDAL (real estate developers association of Lebanon) in the capacity of secretary of the BOD. She is a founding member of both REAL and REDAL working to take the real estate industry in Lebanon to the next level of professionalism, integrity, transparency and social responsibility; to cope with the omnipresent challenging markets in Lebanon and the region.